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来自 : campus.51job.com/dksh/abo...ht 发布时间:2021-03-24

DKSH is the world’s leading Market Expansion Services provider with a focus on Asia. We are a company with Swiss roots, doing business in and with Asia for more than 140 years. We help companies to grow in existing markets and to expand into new ones. For this we offer a comprehensive package of services that includes organizing and running the entire value chain for any product; from sourcing, marketing and sales to distribution and after-sales services. We provide industry expertise and on-the-ground logistics as well as tailor-made services for our clients and customers, while always looking to establish long-lasting relationships. Our leadership position as a provider of Market Expansion Services is based on our ability to deliver everything our partners require to grow their business in their chosen markets.

DKSH是专注于亚洲地区,引领市场拓展服务的集团公司。我们的公司总部在瑞士,但在亚洲地区与亚洲国家开展业务已有超过140年的历史。我们帮助其他公司和品牌扩展现有或新市场的业绩, 为此我们提供涵盖从采购、市场营销,分销直到售后服务的整个价值链的全面整合服务。我们还为客户及用户提供行业内的专家意见,第三方物流和其它特制服务,以建立长期合作关系。我们处于提供市场拓展服务领先地位是基于我们有能力为合作伙伴提供所有他们在特定市场发展业务所需要的一切服务。

Anyone who wishes to expand their business in or with Asia should think of DKSH first. Because of our long history in the region we command a vast network of business and personal relationships, and are deeply rooted in communities across Asia. Having organized our company into four specialized Business Units – Consumer Goods, Healthcare, Performance Materials and Technology – we guarantee expert handling of even the most specialized products and brands. We bring the right products to the right places and
customers at the right time, and we know our clients’ products as if they were our own.
We are a global brand with a proven ability to make local use of the synergies that come from being a worldwide organization. Our local knowledge combines with our worldwide sourcing ability to help us anticipate new market opportunities for our clients and customers. Market Expansion Services is a business that is constantly breaking new ground, where experience and entrepreneurial spirit join hands with state-of-the-art processes and 21st century information management.

任何人若想在亚洲或与亚洲国家拓展业务市场就应该先想到DKSH。在这个区域长期开展业务的历史令我们已建立广阔的业务网络和人际关系网,已深深融入了当地社会。公司四个专设业务单元 – 消费品部,医药保健部,特殊原料部及科技事业部,确保了我们具有操作最特殊产品和品牌的专业能力。我们在最佳时机,将最合适的产品引进最恰当的场所,推荐给用户,我们比客户自己更了解他们的产品。事实证明我们有能力在亚洲地区充分利用国际性公司的优势,是个全球性的品牌企业。对当地的认知和了解加上世界范围内的采购供应能力令我们能够为客户和用户把握新的市场机遇。市场拓展服务是将丰富经验和企业精神相结合,运用创新有效的方式方法以及21世纪的信息管理不断开拓新版图的商业模式。

本文链接: http://dkshs.immuno-online.com/view-681503.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)